Historic Trolleys and Parts

Gales Creek Enterprises of Oregon

Thank you for visiting us today.
After World War II There was a rush to modernize transportation in cities across the US. Old street cars were being burned and scrapped. Some cities decided to maintain small portions of those transit lines for tourism. Museums were established to save and operate some of the old trolleys.

Gales Creek Enterprises of Oregon was established in 1961 to import, repair, build and make parts for historic trolley cars for the museums and other re-purposing projects. One of those museums was the Trolley Park in Glenwood, Oregon established by Oregon Electric Railway Historical Society and Gales Creek Enterprises.

In 1961 and ’62 Gales Creek Enterprises went on an expedition to Brazil to locate historic wooden trolleys still in service. The entire deck, in 1962, was rented on a ship. Trolley cars were taken right off Caju Dump Track in Rio De Genaro (Rio of January). It was a burn track at the dump. Additional cars were provided from the Isla do Govenador near the airport. For the next 40 years the quest was expanded to include heritage trolleys from Portugal, Italy, Australia and Canada.

On our busiest days in the railway shops in the Trolley Park in Glenwood, Oregon, there were 20 men working on streetcar renovation. The crew is now small. In 2019 the engineering is in Willits, CA and the business office is in Banks, Oregon.

Today you will find we have available one fully restored, really nice single truck, 1906 J G Brill style 21 E trolley car, and ready to run.

The parts inventory is mainly related to trolley operation. We supply small parts for ML governors like burn tips, springs, and insulation systems. Controller segments and fingers. Parts for line breaker handles. Gaskets for air brake cylinders. Service for brake cylinders and air compressors.

When Westinghouse closed the Carson City, Nevada shops, we had all 8 ½” brake cylinders sent to us. They were 100% new parts and gaskets.

Standard 10” streetcar brake cylinders are always in stock. 

Our motto :
“If it was built before 1918 we will fix it. If it was built after 1918…. you fix it.”